
Side projects that I am working on

Side Projects

In my free time, when not working on client projects. I am always working on side or pet-projects to keep learning and getting better at all the things that I do. The below is not a complete list of all side-projects that I have worked on. But it covers everything touched since June/July 2023.

| Name              | Sector           | Main Tech | Status   | Date                |
| Ecomrc            | Ecom             | Django    | Ongoing  | 2024-05             |
| AI Concierge      | AI - Support     | Flask     | Finished | 2024-05             |
| Fighters Link     | B2C SaaS         | Django    | Ongoing  | 2024-02             |
| Product Editor    | Ecom             | NextJs    | Halted   | 2023-12 - 2024-02   |
| Goodhotel (PMS)   | PMS - OTA        | NextJs    | Finished | 2023-07 - 2023-10   |

Last updated